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The Practice of Righteousness + Ash Wednesday

This sermon is drawn from Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21.

Listen to Him + Transfiguration

This sermon is drawn from Mark 9:2-9.

God among the Grasshoppers + Epiphany 5

This sermon is drawn from Mark 1:29-39.

Astonishing Authority + Epiphany 4

This sermon is drawn from Mark 1:21-28.

The Preacher + Epiphany 3

This sermon is drawn from Mark 1:14-20. 

March for Life + January 20, 2024

This sermon is drawn from Genesis 3:15.

Epiphanies + Epiphany 2

This sermon is drawn from John 1:43-51.

A Quiet Exchange + The Baptism of Our Lord

This sermon is drawn from Mark 1:4-11.

The Master & the Thief + New Year's Eve

This sermon is drawn from Luke 12:35-40. 

The Redemption of Jesus + Christmas 1, December 31

This sermon  is drawn from Luke 2:22-40.
