Becoming a Member of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 
To be a member of a congregation is to say, 
I know what this congregation teaches, and I believe what this congregation teaches to be true 
and in accordance with God’s Word.” 
Before one can say this, some conversation and instruction is required. For all who wish to become members of Good Shepherd, the first step is the same: make an appointment to visit with Pastor Pauls
He can be reached either by phone (208-343-7212) or email (
• For adults who are already members in good standing of a sister LCMS congregation, membership is usually accomplished by transfer because it is normally assumed that proper instruction has taken place elsewhere. The initial visit with the pastor is an opportunity to get to know one another and to answer any questions about the specific practices of Good Shepherd. In some cases, after discussion the pastor may recommend that those transferring review the teachings of the church by means of more individual meetings or adult information class. 
• For adults who wish to join the congregation but have never undergone confirmation instruction in an LCMS congregation, the normal route to membership is by way of Adult Information Class. This class lasts approximately 9 weeks (18 hours), and is normally offered in the fall and spring of each year. Upon completion of the course, those who attend will have sufficient instruction to declare their agreement with the teachings of the congregation; if that is the case, they may then join the congregation by means of the rite of Confirmation (or the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, if they have not been previously baptized). 
• For those who were previously confirmed in an LCMS congregation but have since drifted away from the Christian faith or spent time in other denominations, membership is usually achieved through the rite of Reaffirmation of Faith, following either individualize instruction or Adult Information Class. Occasionally, exceptions are granted on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Pastor Pauls for more information.
