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April 9, 2023 ✝ Easter Day

Paradise Restored” by Pastor Tim Pauls; on the Gospel text Matthew 28:1-10.

April 8, 2023 ✝ Easter Vigil and Sunrise

The First Day, the Sixth Day, and the Last Day” by Pastor Tim Pauls; on the Gospel text John 20:1-18.

April 7, 2023 ✝ Good Friday

Unforsaken” by Pastor Tim Pauls; on Matthew 27:46.

Thursday, April 6 ✝ Holy Thursday

"Affliction and Wrath, Body and Blood" by Pastor Tim Pauls; on the Gospel text Matthew 26:17-30.

Sunday, April 2 ✝ Palm Sunday

"The Father's Son" by Pastor Tim Pauls; on the Gospel text Matthew 27:11-16.
